Contact Limo Bakersfield!

Hopefully since you have reached this page you have had a chance to peruse our site and increased your knowledge about our wonderful business. We pride ourselves on being one of the best luxury transportation solutions not only in the area but in the entire country. Not only do we have the best vehicles, we also believe very strongly in the highest quality of customer service. Customers and potential customers are our number one priority and you will receive our undivided attention.

Keep in mind that our goal is not just to provide you service one time and then never deal with each other again. We want to forge a long lasting relationship. We realize that there is a very good chance that you might have questions or concerns about what we provide. With that in mind, feel free to contact us anytime and our customer service agents will be more than happy to talk about what services we can provide for as long as you have questions that need answering.

There is one thing you will be able to count on from our customer service representatives. You will never be pressured to make any kind of decision, You will be treated only with respect. When you do feel like you are ready to move forward, we will be happy to walk you through the painless booking process. Our agents are available 24/7, 365 days a year for your convenience. Keep in mind that we rent our vehicles on a first come first serve basis so it would be a good idea to call us as soon as you know the date and time you will require service.

